Following Trump’s State of the Union address this month, CNN’s Van Jones said, “What [Trump] was saying to African Americans can be effective. You may not like it, but he mentioned [historically black colleges and universities]. … He threw a lifeline to them in real life in his budget.”
The Washington Examiner ran an editorial on Monday going over some of the legislative accomplishments and proposals that will have some appeal to black voters, such as the bipartisan criminal justice reform bill signed into law and his push for public school choice, which would allow low-income minorities to select where to send their children to school.
Green wrote that Trump’s show “pulled in an especially high proportion of black and Hispanic viewers.” True, Trump as president is not the same thing as Trump the reality TV star, but his Apprenticedays demonstrate that there is something to him that minorities like, or at least liked, and could possibly recreate.
Trump has a very real opportunity with black voters. Democrats are right to be terrified.