Mueller will reveal that Trump’s 2016 campaign received millions of dollars from Russia, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. (Predicted by: Former Rep. John Leboutillier).
Former special counsel Robert Mueller arrives before testifying to the House Judiciary Committee about his report on Russian interference in the 2016 election on July 24, 2019.
John Leboutillier, a former Republican congressman from New York, began 2019 with an op-ed in the Hill that audaciously predicted, “The Mueller investigation will unveil evidence of Trump putting himself out to the highest bidder in return for campaign help and financing: Russians, Saudis, Emiratis, Qataris—there will be evidence that millions of foreign dollars illegally flowed into the Trump campaign coffers in 2016.” There was no such evidence, Mueller unveiled no such thing, and there is no factual basis upon which to claim that “millions of foreign dollars illegally flowed into the Trump campaign.”
In 2019, there will be a “move toward forcing African-Americans to secure 19th century Black Codes-type passes that they must carry in public” (Predicted by: Dr. Ricky L. Jones, Louisville Courier Journal).