There are the Black elites and then there are the rest of us. Ibram X. Kendi is one of them. Despite his middle class upbringing and current vast material wealth, he has made a living out of telling America that she is a systemically racist nation and that Blacks are her perpetual victim. He has also made a living out of telling Whites that they are racist unless they repent and become anti-racists in the manner formulated by him.
The one thing that Kendi has not done is uplift the Blacks born into the underclass in cities all across America. Though he may profess to care about his brothers and sisters, it is only lip service. For to truly help develop and uplift them would eliminate his bread and butter: racism.
I thought good riddance when I heard that Boston University was closing Kendi’s Center for Antiracist Research. He had raised nearly $55 million for his Boston University center, including $10 million from Twitter’s former owner, Jack Dorsey. During his time there, he averaged $35,000 per 60 minute speech — at the speech he gave at Cal State Northridge, he showed up 15 minutes late for a Zoom speech and still collected the full amount for 45 minutes of work. Not only that, he wrote books that have found their way into almost every K-12 school library across America.