While city and state Democrats continue to mismanage the city’s public and federally subsidized housing stock, the Trump Administration this week continued to fund a 25-year old GOP program that incentivizes self-sufficiency and personal savings utilizing empowerment zones created under Trump’s 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.
That after U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson announced this week that three Democratic-controlled public housing entities in New York will receive more than $2 million as part of a $79 million national allocation for the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program.
In total, the Trump Administration increased funding in the 2020 Federal spending plan for HUD by 5.1 percent.
FSS grants enable public housing agencies (PHAs) to collaborate with social service agencies, community colleges, businesses, and other local partners to help participants further their education, gain marketable skills, and otherwise increase their income potential through new employment or by advancing in their current workplace.