Hey, whatever happened to that story about Sandra Shells? She was the 70-year-old nurse killed by one of Los Angeles' many "unhoused" individuals (drug-addicted psychopaths) while she waited for a bus at 5:15 in the morning in January, on her way to her job at the Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center.
A homeless guy, Kerry Bell, walked up to Shells and punched her in the face, knocking her to the ground and fracturing her skull. She died of her injuries three days later.
Her life mattered more even than, say, George Floyd's -- and I can prove it.
1) Shells was a hardworking nurse, remembered as "kind, compassionate and giving" and a favorite of patients.
2) There is no evidence that she'd ever committed a home invasion robbery on a woman in Texas, pistol-whipped the woman and put a gun to her abdomen.