Recently I heard from a friend of mine, successful businessman and founder of The New American Populist (TNAP), Jeff Webb, about a meeting he had attended a in Virginia with a group of black entrepreneurs.
Not surprisingly, one of main themes that emerged from the gathering was how the attendees felt Republicans have a better message for the black community, but Democrats do a much better job of delivering messages. In most cases, they said, Republicans don’t even bother to try.
What a damning indictment on the conservative movement, at least historically.
While that may have been the case for the “typical” Republican politician, it is certainly not the case for the atypical President Trump. With the enthusiastic encouragement of his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, he has been reaching out to the black community with both words and actions since before his presidency even started—and the impact is just now starting to be felt.