When you come to another country, the standard recommendation concerning language is to learn a few phrases in advance that you will definitely need. For instance, a traveler to France would need to know what Bonjour means, and a traveler to Germany would benefit from learning Guten Tag.
Without these basic language skills, they are bound to find themselves at a major disadvantage.
To the same extent, this applies to the modern language of Leftists – Newspeak.
Newspeak, widespread among American socialists (in Newspeak, they call themselves Democrats), differs from all other languages in that it has a strikingly high percentage of words borrowed from classical English. Although, these words have a completely different meaning for the Newspeakers.
For example, the phrase “Black Lives Matter” in Newspeak has nothing to do with black lives. Moreover, in Newspeak, this phrase has no racial connotation at all.