Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Black Evangelical: ‘White People, Chill Out’

Really interesting e-mail from a black woman who reads my blog, responding to the post about race, identity politics, and Evangelicalism.

"I have been reading your blog for a few years and I think you are long overdue to feature the emergence of a growing number of black conservatives who are being ignored by the media. I awoke this morning and read your post about the woman who spoke at InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. As I read through the comments, I felt what has become an all-too-familiar feeling online. Namely, that I am living in an alternate universe where my family is the only black family which isn’t cowering in fear of latent white racism or overt discrimination from white evangelicals who owe me a “safe space” to be black.

I grew up in a home which was extremely religious and socially conservative, but also a family where my parents reliable voted Democrat. And so, when I first stepped into the voting booth in 1992 as an earnest 20-year-old, I voted Democrat as well. By 1996, I had done a complete about face. Carrying a child brought home to me the reality of abortion as the brutal, murderous act that it is. My parents didn’t change political affiliations with me, but as they came of age during a time of intense racial discrimination and unrest, I completely understood and appreciated their position. Black People my age and younger really have no reason to be so politically wed to any particular ideology to the extent that they are. That they are is the fruit of a highly effective educational and media propaganda campaign to embrace victimization wholesale. And not to their benefit, as any marginally observant person can see.

They are a contrast the numbers of black people I have encountered over the past few years who do not hate Trump, are quietly divesting from the Democratic Party –mostly because of the Tyranny of the Alphabet People — and are closet fans of people like Thomas Sowell, Candace Owens and Sheriff David Clarke. We are, indisputably, a distinct minority. I highly doubt that more than 10% of black voters will pull the lever for Donald Trump in 2020. What is worth noting, however, and is often ignored, is that a number of black voters are simply going to sit the thing out. They’re not going to vote for Trump, but they are also not going to vote for the agenda of people who think that 'trans is the new black'."