After a recent loss at the Women's World Cup final to Spain, team England had salt rubbed in their wounds by a panel on Sky News that criticized the squad for having a "lack of diversity" that "doesn’t represent diverse Britain."
During the news segment, panelist Wilfred Emmanuel-Jones predominantly took issue with a recent newspaper cover from the Daily Mirror that featured seven players on the team, six of whom were white.
Emmanuel-Jones, an entrepreneur and Jamaican-born British farmer, according to Breitbart, argued that the players didn't have diverse enough skin tones and as such didn't properly represent the country.
“I don’t want to pour boiling water on it, but it isn’t that diverse," he stated. “It really sticks out at you. They look blonde and blue-eyed. If it was the men’s World Cup, it would be very representative of the Britain that we’re in and very, very diverse,” he added.
It’s disappointing but predictable to see comments like this about the Women’s England team.
— Chris Rose (@ArchRose90) August 20, 2023
“This doesn’t represent diverse Britain, it’s all these blonde, blue-eyed girls”
Could it not be possible that the best have been chosen? Other countries have football teams with…